Thermostatic radiator valves from DuraTherm are both practical and stylish, allowing you to control the heat of separate rooms of your home directly from the radiator, whilst adding the finishing aesthetic touch to any radiator installation. Made from robust brass, this modern heating efficiency solution is built to last and easily handle daily use and temperature changes.
If you change your mind about the product when you receive it you can notify us any time within 30 days and return it for a full refund at your own cost. Any refunds will be made within 30 days of receiving your returned item. You are expected to cover the cost to return the item and your initial delivery charge will not be refunded.
Very pleased with this quality product, will look really smart when fitted. And these valves came at an amazing price compared with a number of other suppliers. So well done Plumbnation for supplying real quality items at an affordable price. Something to think about in this day and age. Excellent service and prompt delivery.
5/ 5
Robert Williams
rated this
Very pleased with this quality product, will look really smart when fitted. And these valves came at an amazing price compared with a number of other suppliers. So well done Plumbnation for supplying real quality items at an affordable price. Something to think about in this day and age. Excellent service and prompt delivery.