Braided connection hoses with 22mm push-fit connections
1.5m cord supply
2 year manufacturers warranty
The STR2 shower pump from Grundfos is a twin impeller shower pump that offers improved efficiency, while maintaining low noise levels through the addition on anti-vibration feet, to reduce pump head turbulence.
Typically used for a shower the pump words by by boosting the water pressure of a gravity fed hot water system and overcoming air pockets that can be generated in a shower system. Additionally, this type of pump is suitable for plumbing routes that include multiple bends and elbows.
If you need a shower pump, the Grundfos STR2 1.5C Twin Impeller is an ideal option, thanks to the many benefits it comes with.
If you change your mind about the product when you receive it you can notify us any time within 30 days and return it for a full refund at your own cost. Any refunds will be made within 30 days of receiving your returned item. You are expected to cover the cost to return the item and your initial delivery charge will not be refunded.
High quality and competative price. Easy to fit, and really good performance.
5/ 5
Tim Morgan
rated this
A decent pump that did exactly what was required even with air in the water.
5/ 5
rated this
Just what I needed to give the shower a boosting inprove the shower output
4/ 5
Gary Middleton
rated this
It did a great job in sorting our very poor shower in which it required running around to get wet!! Once I'd decided that the best place for the pump in my situation was under the bath, then fitment was fairly straight forward except that I had to shoot off to my local Toolstation to get two longer flexible tails as there was no way the included hoses would allow me to fit it properly per fitting guide.
4/ 5
M Randell
rated this
Shower pump being replacement for previous
Niagra seems to be good alternative and delivers good pressure without being too noisy.
Only irritation was that connections are not same positions and in my case pipes had to be altered to enable connecting pump without putting flexible connectors under stress.
4/ 5
Kevin Jones
rated this
Bought to give a bit more oomph to my shower. Gravity doesn't seem to work as well as it used to.
Does the job well, easy to install with 22mm push fittings. A bit noisy but no more than say a washing machine.