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Product Overview
The Rangemaster Rustique Under/Inset 1.5 Bowl Ceramic White Kitchen Sink (Inc. Waste) from Rangemaster fits into a neatly composed and elegant range of Ceramic Kitchen Sinks from one of Britain's best loved kitchen brands. Add a lustrous feel to the heart of your home with the addition of a Rangemaster fire-clay ceramic sink, designed to be hard wearing, and last throughout the years in your kitchen.
Fitted as either an inset or undermount sink, the Rustique kitchen sink collection provides a real focal point in the kitchen and contrasts excellently to all colours and features. The large bowls of this ceramic kitchen sink allow for effortless food preparation and cleaning, and with the Rustique having no drainer it allows installation into space where a sink with a drainer wouldn't typically fit.
1.5 large bowls
Waste kit included
Key Features of the Sink include:
Superior Strength - Due to its high gloss glazed finish, a Rangemaster fire-clay ceramic sink is highly resistant against heat, stains and scratches.
Easy Clean Surface - Owing to its smooth glazed surface, a Rangemaster fire-clay ceramic sink is easy to clean as microbes and stains just simply wipe away.
10 Year Warranty - Rangemaster fire-clay ceramic sinks are supplied with a 10 year warranty offering you peace of mind that your kitchen sink is manufactured to withstand the daily tasks of your home and family throughout the years.
Choosing the right kind of Kitchen Sink is a major decision. When you decide that Ceramic Kitchen Sinks are the right answer then the Rangemaster CRUB3216WH/ is certainly worth putting on the shortlist.
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