The Salamander Homeboost Pump is cleverly designed to ‘boost’ your water pressure with ease. If you are experiencing poor water pressure or flow via your combi boiler or mains pressure fed heating system, then the Salamander Homeboost is the perfect low-cost, compact, water fitting compliant, solution to help 'boost' your water pressure and flow. By boosting the water to 12 litres per minute, you can enjoy powerful water pressure in your property through your shower, bath, and taps.
This convenient fitting kit is designed to make installation of your Salamander Homeboost as seamless as possible, ensuring quick and easy installation every time, It will also ensure that when maintenance is required on your Salamander Homeboost in the future, servicing will be easy. The Salamander fixing kit also offers flexibility for anyone who is uncertain of the size of their pipework.
What’s included:
Straight connector
Isolation valve connector
Filter washer
Set of adapters for either 15mm or 22mm pipe connection
If you change your mind about the product when you receive it you can notify us any time within 30 days and return it for a full refund at your own cost. Any refunds will be made within 30 days of receiving your returned item. You are expected to cover the cost to return the item and your initial delivery charge will not be refunded.