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Triton Aspirante Electric 8.5kW Shower & Kit Brushed Steel
Triton Aspirante White Gloss is part of the stunning range of Triton Aspirante Electric Showers at PlumbNation. The Triton Aspirante Electric Shower collection boasts a simple and minimalist design with a choice of outstanding smooth finishes. With a high gloss finish, the Triton Aspirante White Gloss design is bright and clean. Something so simplistic has never been so stylish, allowing a glorious finish to your bathroom.
Available in 8.5kW and 9.5kW
Compact slimline design
Soft press illuminated power buttons
Push button start/ stop - to select your favourite shower setting every time
Power on' indicator
Simple temperature control knob - easy grip with pleasing soft motion
Rub clean showerhead - 5 spray patterns
Phased shut down
Swival water inlet for new or replacement installations
Deciding on the right kind of Shower is a major decision. Once you determine that Electric Showers are the best answer then the Triton Aspirante Electric 8.5kW Shower & Kit Brushed Steel - ASP08BRSTL is no doubt worth seriously thinking about.
If you change your mind about the product when you receive it you can notify us any time within 30 days and return it for a full refund at your own cost. Any refunds will be made within 30 days of receiving your returned item. You are expected to cover the cost to return the item and your initial delivery charge will not be refunded.
We were attracted originally by the look of the shower as it is quite stylish. The shower was easy to install which was a plus.
Controls are easy to understand and use. We are very satisfied with it.
5/ 5
Pepe Silvia
rated this
A lot more powerful than our triton t80 easyfit
Heats up quickly, more powerful water flow and has a cool down function when you switch off so it runs until the water is cold to protect its internals
5/ 5
mark evans
rated this
Great looking and performing product. We have installed a great deal of these models as they top the design field for electruc showers that are on the market today.
Highly recommend
5/ 5
rated this
Very pleased with shower. It looks smart and was also fairly easy to install, and it works better than we imagined, its actually more powerful than wed thought for an 8.5 kw.
5/ 5
rated this
I bought this shower for my daughters bathroom refit. She wanted style and affordability and to be able to use the existing 6mm electric cable. This 8.5kw shower was ideal!
5/ 5
rated this
I am absolutely delighted with this shower. Have had a complete refit of my shower room and the design looks really stylish. It is so easy to use and clean.
5/ 5
Jen Mac
rated this
This shower was bought to replace a rather dated one in our new shower room. It looks really good and fits perfectly in our newly modernised shower room.
5/ 5
C Barker
rated this
Simple to use, stylish shower. I like the fact you can operate it by a simple button push - on/off once you've set your preferred temperature.