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Triton Aspirante Electric 9.5kW Shower & Kit Brushed Steel
Triton Aspirante White Gloss is part of the stunning range of Triton Aspirante Electric Showers at PlumbNation. The Triton Aspirante Electric Shower collection boasts a simple and minimalist design with a choice of outstanding smooth finishes. With a high gloss finish, the Triton Aspirante White Gloss design is bright and clean. Something so simplistic has never been so stylish, allowing a glorious finish to your bathroom.
Available in 8.5kW and 9.5kW
Compact slimline design
Soft press illuminated power buttons
Push button start/ stop - to select your favourite shower setting every time
Power on' indicator
Simple temperature control knob - easy grip with pleasing soft motion
Rub clean showerhead - 5 spray patterns
Phased shut down
Swival water inlet for new or replacement installations
Deciding on the most suitable sort of Shower is a key decision. After you determine that Electric Showers deliver the best solution then the Triton Aspirante Electric 9.5kW Shower & Kit Brushed Steel - ASP09BRSTL is no doubt worth your consideration.
If you change your mind about the product when you receive it you can notify us any time within 30 days and return it for a full refund at your own cost. Any refunds will be made within 30 days of receiving your returned item. You are expected to cover the cost to return the item and your initial delivery charge will not be refunded.
Looks stylist compared to my old white unit, with good power. My plumber installed this quickly and easily. I will definitely be looking to buy another for the guest bathroom when we decide to renovate.
5/ 5
LINDA Holland
rated this
Lovely shower once set at your temperature it stays the same each shower taken. I did my homework when looking for a replacement for a broken electric shower. It's everything I was expecting brilliant
5/ 5
rated this
Have had one of these which I bought a couple of years ago. The shower is very reliable and good looking. Have had no issues at all so decided to buy another for a second shower.
5/ 5
Brian Lee
rated this
Great shower. Never had a shower before and this is a great first choice. The main appeal is the non-plastic look of it - and it was hard to fine such a shower at a good price.
5/ 5
Peter Watson
rated this
Excellent quality shower, brush steel effect makes it look extremely smart. There are many entry points for electrical wires and plumbing. Produces a very hot shower.